Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.
Psalm 71:18
The name given to the senior adult ministry of Juniper Grove Baptist Church - KEENAGERS.
Keenagers meet each month on the second Monday at 10:30 am in the Church Fellowship Hall. A potluck meal is served with the church providing the main entree and veggies, desserts and breads brought by the attendees. Interested programs and activities are fitting for the senior adults. Ages 55 and up are encouraged to attend.
From time to time, the Keenagers enjoy one day outings and an occassionally longer journey for site seeing or attending conferences.
Keenagers meet each month on the second Monday at 10:30 am in the Church Fellowship Hall. A potluck meal is served with the church providing the main entree and veggies, desserts and breads brought by the attendees. Interested programs and activities are fitting for the senior adults. Ages 55 and up are encouraged to attend.
From time to time, the Keenagers enjoy one day outings and an occassionally longer journey for site seeing or attending conferences.